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Information about the study programs (MSc closed!) of the crystallography at U Freiburg



The focus of crystallography is the crystal. The crystallography deals with the homogenous setup of crystals or crystalline materials. The 3-dimensional, peridic arrangement of atomic building blocks is the fundament for their special physical properties. These properties can be used - and in case of deeper knowledge of the structure and the influence of changes or irregularities within this structure - or manipulated.

Crystal are used in a lot of fields of science (mineralogy, inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry, metallography, material sciences, geology, medicine, etc.) and especially in modern technology in various devices like solar cells, thermoelectrica, energy-saving LED technique, lasers, in modern, gentle X-ray diagnostics by using effective radiation detectors, and a lot of other applications.

The crystallography at U Freiburg teaches the specialities in the setup of crystalline matter, the influence of atomic, microscopic, and macroscopic disturbances/defects in the periodic crystal structure, and especially the different techniques to grow crystals of various materials. The crystallography at U Freiburg has very good eqipped labs available to conduct different student practical courses, which allow deep insights in the fields of crystal growth and characterization.


The following links provide more detailed information to the different programs of study.

BSc Geowissenschaften (german)

MSc Sustainable Materials - Crystalline Materials

Student Advisory Service